All taught sessions are delivered by expert practitioners and are usually delivered in the school setting. Many areas of the curriculum are supported by cutting edge education research provided by the Centre for Applied Educational Research (CAER).
The taught sessions are on the following themes:
- High Expectations
- How Pupils Learn
- Subject and Curriculum
- Classroom Practice
- Adaptive Teaching
- Assessment
- Managing Behaviour
- Professional Behaviours
We know that as a primary school teacher we need to support you to become an expert in a wide range of subject areas.
Your training will match the needs of the age phase and key stage you are training to teach. We ensure that all trainees have a good understanding of all areas of the school curriculum through subject-specific training sessions, access to national subject networks as well as opportunity to learn from experts in the school setting.
We offer subject-based training in all core and foundation subjects:
- English
- Mathematics
- Science
- Computing
- PE
- Religious Education
- Art and Design
- Technology
- History
- Geography
- Foreign Languages
- Music